2)It is not a move, even the best move, that you must seek, but a realisable plan. - Znosko-Borovsky
你需要找寻的不是一步棋,哪怕是最好的棋,而应该是一个合理的计划。 波罗夫斯基
3)Methodical thinking is of more use in chess than inspiration. - Purdy
下棋时系统的思考比灵感更重要。 普迪
4)Chess is the art of analysis. - Botvinnik
象棋是分析的艺术。 鲍特维尼克
5)Half the variations which are calculated in a tournament game turn out to be completely superfluous. Unfortunately, no one knows in advance which half - Jan Tinman
比赛时,所计算过的变化里最终证明有一半是完全多余的。可惜,没有人能事先知道是哪一半。 蒂曼
6)Chess books should be used as we use glasses to assist the sight, although some players make use of them as if they thought they conferred sight. - Jose Capablanca
关于棋书的使用就象我们使用眼镜是为了辅助看得清,但有些棋手居然让自己相信自己真的视力良好了。 卡帕布兰卡