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发表人:HI_CHESS  发表日期:2018-1-23  来自:上海市  浦东  分类:宝贝成长


Capturing the defender 消除保护子

This is often called removing defender, but to avoid overlap with the distraction motif (where the defender is removed by distracting it away rather than taking it), the more specific, "Capturing Defender" is used instead.

It’s white turn, you can find the black knight on c6 is defending the black queen. If white captures the Queen with his d1 queen first, the black knight can capture the queen in return. That is an equal exchange. Is there a better move?

1. Bxc6 ! Good move! Because of checking , black have to move his king or capture the bishop or move some piece to block the checking, anyway he has to spend one move to solve the problem.  then, white can capture the center queen.

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