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发表人:HI_CHESS  发表日期:2017-3-3  来自:上海市  浦东  分类:本站新闻


1. 组合 combination, 战术组合:tactics combination
2. 反击 counterplay
3. 控制 control
4. 突破 breakthrough
5. 堵塞 blockade
6. 大昏着 blunder
7. 主动权 initiative
8. 简化局面 simplify
9. 变例 variation
10. 记录纸 score sheet
11. 参赛者 participant
12. 威胁 threat
13. 新招 novelty
14. 决定性优势 decisive advantage
15. 子力优势 material advantage
16. 明显优势 obvious advantage
17. 出子优势 development advantage
18. 空间优势 space advantage

19.牵制 pin

A pin is a move that not allow an opponent piece from moving, because if so would expose a more valuable piece behind it. Only bishops, rooks,and queens can effect a pin.
For example:
White g5 bishop is a relative pin.

White b5 bishop is now an absolute pin.

绝对牵制:absolute pin  相对牵制:relative pin

If behind the pinned piece, there is the king, the pin is called: absoluted. If non-king, called relative pin.

20.串击 skewer

A skewer is a move which attacks two pieces in a line, similar to a pin, except that the enemy piece of greater value is in front of the piece of lesser value. After the more valuable piece moves away, the lesser piece can be captured. Like pins, only queens, rooks, and bishops can perform the skewer, and skewer attacks can be either absolute (the more valuable piece in front is the king, in check) or relative (the piece in front is a non-king piece).

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