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发表人:HI_CHESS  发表日期:2018-1-20  来自:上海市  浦东  分类:本站新闻


Today let's talk about a chess tatic named overloading.

过载   overloading 或 overworking

Sometimes a chess piece is overloaded by having more than one defensive job to do. The overworked piece can be exploited by capturing one of the pieces it is defending or occupying a square it is defending forcing it to leave its other defensive job.


The black pawn on c6 wants to try to defend two pieces, but cannot!  Both pieces are under attack.

So, we can Nxd5, ...cxd5 and Bxb5, white win a piece.

The pawn is overloaded.  When white captures the bishop and the pawn recaptures, no one guards the knight!  The white bishop will take the knight for free.

Another example:


As you can see, the white queen is overloading. It is defending a bishop on c4 and a checkmate square on h1.

So, black can move Rxc4, if Qxc4, then Qh1# checkmate!

Try more examples of chess overloading.

Which piece is overloading?

White move first.

The black rook, which is defending the knight and the checkmate square e8.

So, white can move Bxc3.

Black move first.

The white rook on c2, which is defending the rook on c3 and stopping the pawn move to a2 threatening a promotion.

So, black can move a2.

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